The Expanding Man Chronicles: Volume 2 – Call for Submissions

Your Story of Transformation Could Inspire the World

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference." – Robert Frost

At some point in life, we all face a crossroads. The moment when you decide to take a path less traveled—a path that leads to profound personal transformation. Whether you were the quiet kid who found the courage to shake the world with your voice, or the man who looked in the mirror and chose to remake himself, these are the stories that define us.

The Expanding Man Chronicles: Volume 2 is seeking powerful stories of personal transformation that began with a choice. If you have taken the road less traveled and emerged stronger, wiser, and more fulfilled, we want to hear from you.

Why Share Your Story?

What We’re Looking For:

How to Submit:

We are accepting submissions until December 1, 2024. Selected stories will be featured in The Expanding Man Chronicles: Volume 2, set for release in Spring 2025.

🔗 Submit your story here: Application Form

About The Expanding Man Chronicles

The Expanding Man Chronicles is a publication dedicated to sharing stories of men who have transformed their lives by making bold choices. We believe that every man has the power to redefine his destiny and that these stories deserve to be shared with the world.

Join Us on This Journey

Today and every day, this is the day of the Expanding Man. Will you choose the well-traveled path? Or will you share your story of the road less traveled and inspire others to do the same?

Apply now and be part of a movement that celebrates personal growth, resilience, and the courage to choose a different path.